Strengthening educational interaction between China and the United States Promoting mutual learning between the east and the west.
On September 20, 2019, Seattle Associates visited Hohhot No.1 High School to have a discussion about teaching and learning methods and cultural differences between China and the United States with members of the International Department. Mr.Li Gang,Vice-Principle of Hohhot No.1 High School, Ms Li Xiangjing, Director of the International Department and teachers of the International Department extended warm welcome to members of Seattle Associates and communicated with them.
At the very beginning, Mr. Li Gang delivered a welcome speech. He introduced the past, present and future development of Hohhot No.1 High School and explained goals of the International Department. He also expressed expectations and emphasized the importance of this visit. In the end, Mr. Li Gang expressed sincere welcome to Seattle Associates.
Members of Seattle Associates also introduced their team and shared their stories about Hohhot. Tim,the representative of Seattle Associates, also made a speech. He expressed appreciation of the invitation and looked forward to keeping cooperation with Hohhot No.1 High School.
In the 4th and 5th classes, members of Seattle Associates made a presentation for students from class 8, grade 2 and class 23, grade 1. Students showed strong interests in teaching props such as guitars, a globe and kitchen utensils. Settles Associates members and students had a happy free talk. Then, the presentation began. Tim talked about the geography, main cities and tourist attractions of the United States. Louise played a beautiful song with her guitar and made a presentation about American food with her friend. In the end, two other members sang songs of The Lion King and Rhythm of Love. The whole event was ended in a joyful atmosphere.
從一開始的拘束被動,到后來的放松主動,學生們在這次互動課真正做到了 “感受中美差異,加強理解交流”,他們見識了更多的文化,學習了不同的知識,擴展了國際視野,增強了民族自豪感。
Students were reserved and nervous at beginning and gradually becoming relaxed and active. Through this event, students felt the cultural differences between China and the United States at first hand. It is not only an opportunity for students to expand their outlooks and enhance national pride, but a chance to strengthen mutual understanding between Hohhot No.1 High School and Settles Associates as well.